Actress Shilpa Shetty had kept a low profile after her husband Raj Kundra was arrested for his involvement in a porn racket. After taking her time to grasp the entire scenario, the actress decided to make her public appearance post the controversy on Super Dancer 4’s judging panel. On Monday she shared an inspirational video on Yoga appealing her fans to be strong and bring a positive change in their lives.
The actress was inactive on Instagram too after Raj Kundra’s case but after a brief period, she has made a comeback by uploading her yoga video to motivate her 21.8 million Instagram followers. The Hungama star is seen doing various yoga asanas in the video and tagged Simple Soulful App of hers which aims at showcasing a holistic approach to Yoga, fitness, meditation, nutrition, and mental wellness.
Sharing the yoga video, the 46-year-old actress penned a long note and wrote, “Be your own warrior; strong enough to make and defend positive change in your life! Whether it’s a low or high point, I only turn to yoga. It’s the best remedy for me to stay positive, focused, and balanced. One of the most calming yet energising routines is that of the empowering ‘Virbhadrasana, Malasana, and the dynamic hip opening’ flow. The benefits are innumerable of incorporating these yoga asanas into your routine. While the Virbhadrasana helps strengthen and stretch the thighs, calves, ankles, arms, shoulder, & back muscles; it also improves body posture, focus, balance, stability, and is great for circulation & respiration. On the other hand, Malasana opens your hips & groin, stretches your ankles, hamstrings, back, and neck. It also helps improve digestion and improves posture. Concluding the routine with the dynamic hip opener strengthens and stretches hip flexors and reduces tightness in your lower back & hip region. Playing the Atharvaveda: Shanti Sukta or the chant for peace makes it a complete package for the mind, body, and soul. Start slow and gradually move from one asana to the next. Time to prove, “Yoga se hi hoga” @simplesoulfulapp”.