Recently it was accounted for that the Chandigarh Police has called entertainer Salman Khan, his sister Alvira Agnihotri Khan and six others following a grievance of supposed cheating held up by a nearby finance manager. The complainant Arun Gupta has asserted that Being Human workers requested that he contribute Rs. 2 crores for an establishment. After the reports surfaced, Style Remainder Gems, which handles the assembling and deals of adornments under Being Human has delivered an articulation explaining their position.
1) In Dec 2015. Being Human-The Salman Khan Establishment selected Style Remainder Gems Pvt Restricted (SQJPL) as their worldwide licensee for the adornments vertical. The equivalent was for dealing with assembling and Deals of Gems under the Brand Name of Being Human
2) On the third of August 2018, SQJPL marked an MOU with the Cutting edge Gems (Arun Gupta) to be the primary Franchisee of Being Human Gems.
3) The current matter is among SQJPL and Present-day Gems alone as nor Being Human-The Salman Khan Establishment, Salman Khan, Alvira Khan nor some other agent of the Establishment are gatherings to the said MOU and they don’t have anything to do with it. Indeed, Mr. Salman Khan is just the proprietor of the Brand Being Human and not so much as a trustee of the Being Human Establishment.

In the meantime, the complainant Arun Gupta said that he was forced by saying that Salman Khan would visit his store however rather his brother by marriage Aayush Sharma showed up. Gupta revealed to ANI News, “In the wake of opening the display area, we have not gotten any spot. They called us for a meet-and-welcome with Salman Khan. I met him and he guaranteed me. Presently 1.5 years have passed and I have not gotten anything. Salman didn’t answer my letters.”