The Hindi remake of the Tamil blockbuster, Soorarai Pottru has been in the news for quite some time. Earlier there have been several reports suggesting Bollywood’s top stars like Ajay Devgn, Hrithik Roshan, John Abraham and Akshay Kumar being considered to play the lead role.

Now, according to the latest media reports, the leading male for the film has been finalised. According to the reports, it is being said that Akshay Kumar has finally been roped in to play the lead which was essayed by Suriya in the original. The actor has reportedly been in talks with the makers since last year. He had given his verbal nod a long time back but have signed on the dotted line only recently.

The Hindi remake of Soorarai Pottru is likely to be set in a North India backdrop. While Sudha Kongara Prasad who helmed the original Tamil film will also direct the Bollywood remake. Apart from that, reports also suggest that the film will go on floors once Akshay wraps up the shoot of his recently announced film Selfiee with Emraan Hashmi.

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