Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan said that working on Laal Singh Chaddha was quite memorable as it reunited her with one of her favourite co-stars, Aamir Khan. The film marks the third collaboration between the actors after 3 idiots and Talaash.

In an interview with a tabloid, Kareena said that they have worked very hard for the film especially Aamir and it was a brilliant script. She shared that they finished her portions during the Covid wave in Delhi and that was the first time she went on a set amid the pandemic.

She further said that they followed the safety protocols and it gave her the assurance that she can do well when shooting films with lesser people. One can concentrate much better when working with less people, she added. Kareena also revealed that she was five-months pregnant with her second son, Jeh, when she shot her major parts in the film.

Laal Singh Chaddha is the official remake of Tom Hanks’ Hollywood blockbuster, Forrest Gump. The team wrapped the film last month after a shooting stint that was held during the pandemic.

Advait Chandan, who made his directorial debut with the 2017 musical drama, Secret Superstar, produced by Aamir, has directed the movie. Actor-writer Atul Kulkarni shares the screenplay credit along with Eric Roth, who had adapted the 1986 Winston Groom novel of the same name for Hanks’ 1994 movie.

Laal Singh Chaddha is scheduled to be released on Valentine’s Day 2022. The film that also stars Naga Chaitanya and Mona Singh was originally slated for a Christmas 2021 premiere.

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