For some time, bits of gossip have been overflowing about previous Bigg Boss member Shehnaaz Gill’s quite anticipated Bollywood debut. The entertainer, who was most recently seen in Diljit Dosanjh’s Punjabi film, will supposedly star in Salman Khan’s Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. The film additionally stars Venkatesh and Pooja Hegde. Presently, a spilled video affirms that the entertainer has started going for the film.

In the video, Shehnaaz was seen getting down from her vanity van. She was wearing a saree and prepared for the shoot. She was wearing a gajra.

The recording of Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali started off a week ago. Salman Khan divulged his most memorable look via online entertainment though Pooja Hegde was seen on the arrangements of the film brandishing Salman’s famous wristband. The film will likewise apparently star Zaheer Iqbal and Raghav Juyal.

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