Beginners who are starting their fitness journey often find it difficult and confusing to choose a form of exercise. While there are several options you can choose from, yoga is an easy and convenient way. If you’re a beginner, yoga can be a great form of exercise for you as it encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. All of these help you in achieving balance within the mind and body.

Yoga combines various postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation to promote overall well-being. The practice of yoga is highly adaptable and caters to people of all ages, fitness levels and abilities. Beyond its physical benefits, such as increased flexibility, strength and balance, yoga fosters mental clarity, stress reduction and emotional resilience.

Here, take a look at some of the best yoga poses for beginners.

Mountain Pose

Also known as Tadasana, the Mountain pose teaches proper alignment and posture awareness. This pose promotes balance, improves posture, and increases body awareness.

Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, grounding through all four corners of the feet. Engage the thighs, draw the tailbone down, and lengthen the spine. Relax the shoulders away from the ears, with arms extended alongside the body and palms facing forward.

Child’s Pose

Also known as Balasana, the Child’s pose is a resting posture that stretches the back, hips, and thighs while calming the mind. This pose releases tension in the spine and promotes relaxation, making it an excellent posture for beginners as well as seasoned yoga practitioners.

Begin on hands and knees, then sit back on the heels with arms extended forward and forehead resting on the mat. Allow the chest to melt towards the floor and breathe deeply into the back body.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, the Downward Facing Dog Pose stretches the entire body, particularly the hamstrings, calves, shoulders and spine. The pose improves flexibility, strengthens the arms and legs, and energizes the body.

Start on hands and knees, then lift the hips upward, straightening the arms and legs to form an inverted V shape. Press firmly through the palms and heels while lengthening the spine and drawing the belly towards the thighs.

Warrior I

Also known as Virabhadrasana I, the pose builds strength, stability and focus while stretching the chest, shoulders, thighs and ankles. This pose improves inner strength and concentration, making it a good posture for beginners.

Begin in a standing position, then step one foot back, grounding the back foot at a 45-degree angle. Bend the front knee directly over the ankle while keeping the back leg straight and strong. Reach the arms overhead, palms facing each other and look forward.

Tree Pose

Also known as Vrksasana, the Tree pose improves balance, concentration and body awareness while strengthening the legs and core. This pose encourages stability, grounding and a sense of rootedness.

Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, then shift weight onto one foot while lifting the opposite foot to the inner thigh or calf, avoiding the knee. Press the foot into the thigh or calf and engage the standing leg, finding a focal point to help maintain balance. Bring hands to the heart centre or extend arms overhead.

Cat-Cow Pose

Also known as Marjaryasana-Bitilasana, the Cat-cow pose is a gentle flowing sequence that promotes spinal flexibility and mobility. This stretch releases tension in the spine and improves spinal health.

Begin on hands and knees with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Inhale, arch the back, lift the tailbone and gaze towards the ceiling (cow pose). Exhale, rounding the spine and tucking the chin towards the chest (cat pose). Continue flowing between cat and cow, synchronizing movement with breath.

Bridge Pose

Also known as Setu Bandhasana, the pose strengthens the back, glutes and hamstrings while opening the chest and shoulders. This pose improves spinal flexibility, relieves back pain and energizes the body.

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Press into the feet to lift the hips towards the ceiling, engaging the glutes and thighs. Clasp the hands under the body or keep them alongside the body with palms facing down. Lengthen the tailbone towards the knees and keep the neck relaxed.

Corpse Pose

Popularly known as Savasana, this pose is a posture that makes you surrender at the end of a yoga practice. Savasana promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and prepares the body for meditation or rest.

Lie flat on your back with arms by your sides and palms facing up, allowing the feet to fall open. Close the eyes and relax the entire body, releasing tension with each exhale. Stay in savasana for 5-10 minutes, focusing on the breath and allowing the mind to become still.

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