Horoscope Today: December 19, 2022

Spoiler alert, PosterGuy: life is not meant to be controlled. Life is not meant to be manipulated or micromanaged either. So, let go. Let go of your false sense of control as you jump back into the flow. You are where you are supposed to be and everything is unfolding in accordance with the divine plan. But, what are you getting out of this, Pisces? Know that it’s not selfish for you to be asking yourself that question, especially if you’re being manipulated in any way. Word for the wise: maintain your distance from them sweet talkers today. Aquarius, your message this week is to be discerning. To be discerning with your time and energy. Remember, saying yes to what is a vibrational match will require you to say no to what isn’t, and that’s okay. Staying committed to self-growth means you will end up disappointing a few people.

Aries Horoscope Today

Relax. There’s no bad juju in the world that can take away what’s yours. Trust the process, beautiful. Know that you are in the process of manifesting your wildest dreams and deepest desires. In the realm of love, the cards are indicating an emotionally mature partner. The kind who isn’t afraid of letting their feelings be known despite what they have gone through in the past. Word for the wise: be honest. Be direct. Playing games this time around will not get you anywhere, beautiful.

Taurus Horoscope Today:

But, what is the cause of your suffering, Taurus? The sudden changes that you’re going through or your resistance to them? Remember, the algorithm of the Universe is perfect and the algorithm of the Universe is always working in your favour. So, allow that which needs to come undone, to come undone. This is your chance to clear out the stale energy that’s been lingering around and call in that which is in alignment with your highest and greatest good.

Gemini Horoscope Today:

If there’s one thing you can be sure of today it’s that things are unlikely to go your way. Know that this is not a bad thing, Gemini. That Spirit is not out to punish you in any way. The changes you are experiencing in the physical are the changes that you have called in on a soul level. So, accept the present for the gift that it is. Move into a state of allowance and trust your higher self to guide you towards that future you have always envisioned for yourself.

Cancer Horoscope Today:

But, what does success mean to you, Cancer? More importantly, do you believe you have accomplished what you have set out to? Instead of looking for external validation, turn your gaze inwards, beautiful. Take a moment to acknowledge your journey and all the ways in which you have grown over the past decade. PS: Recognising your own power and potential will make you a force to be reckoned with!

Leo Horoscope Today:

Ready, set, go! It’s time to tap into your ambitious side and put the given plan into action. Stepping into the unknown is always daunting. Think of that heady mix of excitement and fear as a sign that you are on the right track. The only thing you want to remember as you march towards the future you’ve always envisioned is that the victories of those around you deserve to be celebrated alongside yours. PS: There’s place for everybody on this table.

Virgo Horoscope Today:

Spoiler alert, Virgo: life is not meant to be controlled. Life is not meant to be manipulated or micromanaged either. So, let go. Let go of your false sense of control as you jump back into the flow. You are where you are supposed to be and everything is unfolding in accordance with the divine plan. Your trust and surrender will unlock the portal of miracles, wild one.

Libra Horoscope Today:

But, who says you only get so many chances, Libra? If it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out. Instead of complaining about the hindrances on your path, get up, show up and start over. Your resilience has the power to move mountains, beautiful. Oh, and one more thing! Those obstacles have been placed in your path for a reason. Trust in your ability to turn every challenge into a learning lesson.

Scorpio Horoscope Today:

You are blessed with the power of free will, Scorpio. In other words, you have what it takes to swallow the poison that is being poured into your cup and turn into a sweet nectar. You possess the fortitude required to transform every breakdown into a breakthrough. It all comes down to how you will approach the given circumstances. Just a reminder: Spirit is working with and not against you, now and in every moment.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today:

Maybe it isn’t always about the milestones and the landmark moments. Maybe it’s about the simple things, the everyday miracles, the conversations that uplift us, the songs that inspire us and the sunsets that energise us. Maybe it’s about being surrounded by the kind of people who remind us that we’re worthy of being loved just as we are, Sagittarius. Something tells us you are attracting connections into your life that honour your essence and will hold space for you to ascend to the next level of consciousness.

Capricorn Horoscope Today:

So, you didn’t manifest the corner office this year, even though you tried to get ahead in the game. So, you didn’t get the promotion you have been working towards or serendipitously meet your soulmate at the coffee shop you visit on your way to work everyday. Let me tell you a secret, Capricorn: nobody knows what the hell they’re doing. We’re all showing up and trying our best nonetheless. Accept that life is a process of trial-and-error, that you will trip and fall time and again, and that’s okay. Gentleness is what is required of you at this moment.

Aquarius Horoscope Today:

Aquarius, your message this week is to be discerning. To be discerning with your time and energy. To share space with those who uplift you rather than those who deplete your resources. Remember, saying yes to what is a vibrational match will require you to say no to what isn’t, and that’s okay. Staying committed to self-growth means you will end up disappointing a few people.

Pisces Horoscope Today:

But, what are you getting out of this? Know that it’s not selfish for you to be asking yourself that question, Pisces, especially if you’re being manipulated in any way. Word for the wise: maintain your distance from them sweet talkers today. On the upside, you’re likely to feel more connected with yourself and the divine forces at this time. Make time for meditation and mindfulness. Discover the many jewels that are hidden within.

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